whereas he came and sat on the stool waiting for the rabbi to produce that fool who was to be their dinner. but then the plague struck the news that night and the two of them all affright caught the first plane and flew to the roof of the tallest building(they had such money to spend). the fool was left behind his hands still tied his head covered with a slit at his mouth, so seeing
this our boy ran out on the streets and lo he caused people to run pell mell at the apparition that had come storming out white at the mouth but black of face. he fell into a shit pond and emerged muck laden. it didint occur him to cry because he felt no fear(now that the evil pair was rid) it didnt strike him to stay hid nor cry out for help, he just figured he had to get the hell out. so as he ran sightless he fell, picked up and fell again and then as was wont with him collided with this school of belles and there the muck on him was all over. and thats how the news arrived that there was a bout of plague--our prettiest school girls smell foul, with their skin peeling off in vile eruptions from toe to head.
like this story the lord prayed all his meek children would prevent their own murder by being the cause of their own deliverance being the white lie that dark rumours fed.