Sunday, June 5, 2011

in the animal kingdom

Baba ramdev’s unceremonious eviction from his fast compels the responsible citizen to once again watch national news at primetime and spend a noxious Sunday evening lamenting another travesty of democracy in the India of his dreams. But the burden of responsibility that has been thrust upon the public-minded individual will not be tolerated a second more what with him being saddled with onerous chores pursuant to joining the selfsame government whose grave execrations on the ramlila maidan reopens old wounds and reignites once more the original fire.
But nuff said. What left me nonplussed in telegrabs of a teargas smoggy campaign tent was the person of a doggie among the listless supporters, like all of them fleeing the scene under duress, albeit with more alacrity than the most casual of baba’s supporters would care to show. So I put this question to the indignant masses. Would canines make better satyagrahis? Also more significantly, are the dogs of the world at last uniting. Are they massing to come to our aid like the phantom hordes from return of the king. Was the one i saw the mongrel herald.
But coming back to my question, will our leaders prefer dealing with dawgs given that there is no chance the four-legged things would ever resort to hunger strikes. That ain't there style at all or am i mistaken. The generic politicians themselves have one that falls somewhere between that of a sabretoothed tiger in a lifeguard's jacket and a shark in vestry white. What is important is that the battle will be a tooth for tooth one and therefore easy to follow. Unlike now when one side says we aren't opening our mouths and the other replies talk to the hand. Of course it spoils sunday's entertainment if one party thinks they are in a silent film and the other believes they are the celebrity bigg boss.
the idea behind democracy that makes it more fun than the other social experiments is that it is a seriously engaging format. baatein banao mat aur bigarne ki to bhul hi jao, batein karo.

Government requires a kind of decisiveness which I would never be able to bring to the job. I revel in a she-loves-me-she-loves-me-not ambiguity.

bubba roach

what use is it
surviving a nuke
when you have one
foot in the grave
and your murder
leaves behind
a nice smell
that effectively
smothers the rebuke
spouses exchange
over a messy affair

dilli, wallah

in delhi
a bomb could blow
and take me
away from you
in delhi
a bomb could
take you
away from me
in delhi though
we shall not hide
in delhi we’ll walk
head over heels
and tired toes taut
every night
in the dark
an inner light
and the places in
your body

1 comment:

hooliganking said...

Ha ha ha ha! "dawgs!" haha gangsta you!
